winter melon health benefits

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winter melon health benefits - Winter melon( Benincasa hispida) is widely prepared bush in their own families, Cucurbitaceae. Winter melon vine is vine like budding bush which is originally from South Asia and Southeast Asia but now grows on throughout the Asia. The vine accepts the returns which are used as culinary veggies. Winter melon vine was brought to the Europe during the Renaissance period. Winter melon vine be coming back various types such as: Giant Wax Gourd, Small Round, Winter Melon Round and Winter Melon Oblong. Winter melon vine is likewise called Wax Gourd, Ash Gourd, Chinese Water Melon, Chinese Preserving Melon, Joined Gourd, Gourd Melon, Tallow Gourd, Persian melon, Winter Gourd and White Pumpkin. Different countries has different figures of Winter melon vine such as Chinese: Pai Gua, Dong Gua; Nepalese: Petha, Kubiindo; Pakistan: Petha and Turkish: Mama Kabagi .


Winter melon is an annual, hispid, robust and monoecious climbing bush with terete, thick-skulled, rutted and clumsily bushy root. The vines can grow upto 1-2 m.( 3-6 ft .). The bush has rounded or kidney-shaped needles with 5 to 7 lobed and heart-shaped at locate with the diameter of needles 10 to 25 centimeters. The flowers are large, yellow-bellied with bushy bell-shaped calyx tube. The tree accepts the flowers during July- September. The bush grows in warm tropical and subtropical environment. It expands in ignite, friable and well-drained grime. It has long shelf life .


Often dark-green in coloring with chalky white wax; returns can be ovoid or ellipsoid in shape. Winter melon vine is about 25- 40 cm in section and weighs upto 30 pounds. The outcome has get thin bark along with juicy and sweetened interior anatomy that typically white with flat, ovate- elliptic, ridged and caramel brown seeds. The outcome possess slight aroma which is not prominent. Winter melon vine is received during freezing season .

Nutritional evaluate :

Winter melon is laded with nutrition. It contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3 and Vitamin C. It too own numerous minerals such as calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium, selenium and potassium. Due to its high content in potassium, it helps to maintain blood pressure level. It contains practically 96% liquid. One should include this vegetable to the weight loss diet .

Winter melon is used as a part in conventional Chinese remedy. It acts as a diuretic which abbreviate the expand. It is supportive for discussing kidney weakness and hypertension. It wreaks as a great for losing load. It is also effective to plow snakebites and mercury poison. Winter melon vine is a very good source of amino battery-acids, natural carbohydrates, minerals, organic battery-acids and vitamins .

1. Eliminates free radicals

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which forecloses damages caused by free radicals, pollutants and toxic factors. Free progressives are organized in the body when the food is break down or when exposed to the tobacco, smoke or radioactivity. The buildup of free radicals contributes to the state ailments such as myocardial infarction, cancer and arthritis .

2. Forecloses flu and freezing

Vitamin C promotes the immunity office of the body which forecloses from the viruses of cold and flu. The suggestion would point out that the presence of Vitamin C in the Winter melon vine abbreviates the chances of lung infections and pneumonia .

3. Reduce the chances of stroke

The study of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition would point out that the people who intake adequate sum of Vitamin C, the possibilities of stroke was reduced by 42%. Winter melon vine owns Vitamin C by 19.11% which helps to reduce the risk of movement .

4. Prevents migraines

Vitamin B2 considers the headaches caused by migraines. It demonstrates how the frequency of migraines, sorenes and indications is increased with the uptake of Vitamin B2 which is also found in Winter melon vine. It too lessens the duration of migraine headaches .

5 Eye state

The surveys show that the eye problems are related to the defect of riboflavin. Vitamin B2 prevents the eye ailments such as keratoconus, cataracts and glaucoma. The research shows the correlation between the consumption of riboflavin and abbreviates in the eye ailments .

6 Maintains vigour levels

Vitamin B2 is required for suitable the effective functioning of gut, psyche, digestive and hormones. The is a lack of Vitamin B2 leads to the improper absorption of protein, fatty and carbohydrate nutrients. So, it is essential for the restore and growing of figure. It alters the nutrients into the vigour which provides the healthful metabolism .

Riboflavin too conserves the suitable task of thyroid and adrenal. The defect of riboflavin increases the chances of thyroid ailments. It too pacified the nervous system, chronic stress and governs the hormones .

7 Digestive state

The dietary fiber in Winter melon vine heightens the digestive office. It allowed by stool and amount to pass through the digestive arrangement. It prevents the digestive diseases such as colon cancer, diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel .

8 Heart state

Soluble fiber lowers the absorption of cholesterols and overweight in the body. It omits the venom which is made from the cholesterol. Hence, it abbreviates the overall cholesterol storages from the body .

9 Maintains the cognitive office

Iron helps to transport the oxygen to the brain which supports the brain function. The actuality is that brain uses the 20% of the oxygen in the body. The defect of iron causes in the mental problems and harms the reminiscence. The defect of iron may cause the discovering rigors in the infants and children .

Traditional abuses

All the parts of the bush are useful for the therapeutic roles. The Ayurvedic system of remedy applies it in Kusmanda lehyam to treat the nervous disorders and epilepsy. Ayurveda applies Winter Melon to antidote peptic ulcers. In India, it is used to treat the state ailments such as gastrointestinal problems, dyspepsia, and asthma, burning whiz, cardiac infarction, cough, ulcers, diabetes mellitus, urinary diseases and gastrointestinal problems. In Sri Lanka, it is also used to antidote the vegetable deadlies and too considers hiccough, asthma, lunacy, cholera, anthelmintic, charms, cough and diabetes. The beings of Korea use it to treat diuresis illness and diabetic collections. Winter melon vine applies in China for bark softening and moisturizing, to plow facial defaces, anti-aging bark and anti-wrinkle belongings, and too to prevent sunbathe injure. The conventional Chinese remedy applies it for curing inflammation and hypertension. The beings of China use the peel for the lust and oliguria, oedema with oliguria compelled from time heat. It could also be used for tonic, diuretic, laxative and cooling roles. The Philippines applies it for discussing tuberculosis and for demulcent, caustic and styptic roles. The seeds are also used in the form of vermifuge .

How to Eat

Winter melon could be added to the stir-fries by steaming, stewing, parboiled or braised. It is also supplemented with strong herbs and spices to the soups. It could be candied or diced .


Winter melon should be destroyed in lower sum as it may result in indigestion because of the presence of high proteins. Mint leaves, jeera, cleaves, cool ginger could be used as an remedy for the side effects of Winter melon vine. The consumption of Winter melon vine should be avoided by the pregnant women during the initial months .